Dragonfly Wing Earrings

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Dragonfly wings are some of nature's finest examples of keen engineering. They move independently of each other, allowing the insects to fly with incredible precision and varied speed. They can hover in place, and then dart at speeds up to 30 mph. These Dragonfly Wing Earrings pay homage to the beauty and versatility of dragonfly wings. I use Sterling Silver and various resins in order to recreate the wings, lightly brushing on color that is encased in the crystal resins so as to be permanent. They measure 1.5" x 3/8", not including the earring wire, and they are almost as light to wear as the real thing, with the same transparency, an effect that it took me a long time to capture. They say that it is good luck to have a dragonfly land on you. To carry that a bit further, it is also good luck to wear a reminder of the magic of dragonflies.